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By Hospitality Jobs — 08/12/2022

6 Tips for a Great Resume

Today, Hospitality Jobs is in a rather cunning mood 💡

We wanted to share with you some tips to help you in your job search! 😃

Like all recruiters, we only spend a few seconds going through a candidate’s CV, unfortunately due to lack of time… So how do you stand out from the crowd and get a recruiter interested? Well, we’re going to let you find out here👇 

In this first episode, we give you six valuable tips to “upgrade” a CV and catch a recruiter’s eye! 💥

It’s up to you now… 🎲

Recruiters, don’t hesitate to share with us also “your best tips”, which make you want to read more carefully a particular CV 🎯

See you soon for more tips with Hospitality Jobs 🤩

#hospitalityjobs #cv #recruteur #recherche #emploi

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